FACT: 95% to 99% of mothers can physically produce enough breast milk for their babies! (Only 5 percent aren't physically able to produce enough - "Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, 5th Ed By Roberta Larson Duyff")
" I don't have enough breast milk!"
This is a very common complaint that we hear when mothers breastfeed their children. We hear this 90 percent of the time! But what is the truth about the real percentage of mothers physically not able to produce enough milk?
FACT: 95% to 99% of mothers can physically produce enough breast milk for their babies! (Only 5 percent aren't physically able to produce enough - "Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, 5th Ed By Roberta Larson Duyff")
You may say, well then, I might be the unfortunate one who lies within the 1 - 5%.
Do you know that the 1 - 5% of mothers who are not able to breastfeed have some form of medical condition, or breast surgery which may have damaged the mammary glands? Do you Really Belong in that category?
At Cherish Postnatal, we have people who knows breastfeeding and is able to provide you with sufficient knowledge and guide you to breastfeed. We have an in-house certified Breastfeeding counselor who is ready to give you optimum guidance and support. If it is true that your baby is not having enough breast milk, we are able to detect and if supplementary milk is needed (Donated breast milk/Formula milk), we will advise you to do so.Contact us for more information.
Cherish Postnatal Retreat & Breastfeeding Center
We are a group of professionals consisting of medical advisors, registered nurses, nutritionist and breastfeeding consultant who strive to provide our customers with the best confinement care but also to empower parents with the best knowledge to care for their newborns.
Cherish Postnatal Retreat & Breastfeeding center is a Confinement Care Center located in Bayan Lepas, Penang.